Monday, June 22, 2009

Expanding Talent

I have been considering for some time on whether I should create an online gallery to display my artwork. Though I have been drawing (or doodling, some would say) for quite some time, I never really had enough confidence until now to step out into the world and showcase my artistry. The kind of the art I do is more abstract--shapes, patterns, figures, and colors arranged in seemingly unintelligible manner.

It is not that I disdain other forms of art; on the contrary, other artforms serve as only one type of insipiration as I think about what to draw in a given space or how to color a given segment. It is just that I have a "knack" for the 'non-conventional' or 'non-usual' subjects. Admittedly, I have received few visitors, and even fewer comments. Yet I suppose this is normal, given that I am new in this kind of world. I welcome you to visit my gallery, which I will periodically update with further pieces and drop in a line or two, by clicking on the link above. You may also post comments on this blog.

Artfully yours. <3>

1 comment:

CRUTON said...

Please also preview the online portfolio at