Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hope for a Saner World--A Poem

I pray for the ability to find within myself and within whatever surrounds me:

Hope where others see only despair;
Wisdom where darkness is only experienced;
Knowledge to combat ignorance;
Clarity, Understanding, and Appreciation in the face of vagueness and complexity;
Abundance and Gratitude in the face of scarcity;
Urgency when others are consumed by apathy;
Pragmatism where others are deluded by false promises or excessive euphoria;
Idealism where there is a lack in hope and in the imagination of forward thinking;
Inspiration where others see only emptiness.

Compassion where others perceive and use cruelty for 'protection';
Concern when others are pushed to indifference;
Gentleness and Mercy when and where roughness becomes the order of the day;
Consideration for the plight of the weak while others become convinced or motivated only via greed.

Strength where others find only weakness;
Capability where they only see disability;
Confidence when and where unnecessary doubt prevails.

Acceptability where there is exclusivity;
Equality when others lay claim to privilege;
Love and Appreciation in the midst of hate and disregard.

Honesty when others feel they must lie;
Modesty where arrogance and ostentation are claimed as traits and examples of leadership;
Integrity when others feel they can only cheat their way out of things, or cheat up to things;
Meticulousness when short-cuts are preferred;
Responsibility where obligation is lacking;
Loyalty and Sincerity in face of betrayal.

Diplomacy to counteract tactlessness and offensive behavior.

Calmness in the depths of chaos;
Liberation out of despotism and abuse;
Patience, Productive Resolve, and Measured Action in the face of injustice;
Steadfastness when commitment is shunned or questioned;
Determination in the face of lacking resolve;
Courage and Rationality when and where there is only fear.

A Sense of Security amidst paralyzing uncertainty;
Sensibility to challenge a rush upon judgment;
Restraint where others are so easily motivated by blinding anger;
Skepticism where others are victimized by gullibility;
Trust when and where others are weighted down with suspicion.

Most of all, I pray that I am able to keep my humanity;
So that I can continue to improve;
Continue to be human and humane towards others and towards myself;
Resolved to realize that neither me nor anyone else is, or can be, picture-perfect;
Resolved to realize that I and others can only strive to become better wholes,
Of Our True Selves.

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